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9/11 Commission: Public Hearing 10 | 9/11 Commission

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9/11 Commission: Public Hearing 10

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Author: 9/11 Commission

Added Date: 2004-07-23

Publication Date: April+13-14%2C+2004

Language: English

Collections: folkscanomy miscellaneous, folkscanomy, additional collections

PDF Count: 2

Total Size: 752.37 KB

PDF Size: 749.69 KB

Extensions: pdf, torrent

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Downloads: 168

Views: 218

Total Files: 5

Media Type: texts


The Commission's tenth public hearing was held on April 13-14, 2004, in Washington, DC. The two-day hearing examined the performance of law enforcement and the Intelligence Community prior to September 11 and evaluated post-9/11 reforms in these areas.
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