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Vegetable Growing In Home Gardens of Tropical and Subtropical Areas | P. F. Konokov, V. Kiran

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Vegetable Growing In Home Gardens of Tropical and Subtropical Areas

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Author: P. F. Konokov, V. Kiran

Added by: mirtitles

Added Date: 2013-10-21

Publication Date: 1988

Language: eng

Subjects: life sciences, agriculture, horticulture, vegetables, farming, kitchen garden, plants, soil

Collections: mir-titles, additional collections

Pages Count: 600

PPI Count: 600

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 49.07 MB

PDF Size: 11.72 MB

Extensions: djvu, epub, gif, pdf, gz, zip, torrent

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Downloads: 2.7K

Views: 52.7

Total Files: 14

Media Type: texts


As the descriptive name suggests the book covers in detail how to grow vegetables in your kitchen garden. ...there are wide regions in the tropics where amateur vegetable gardening has its own specific features. To fill this gap we delivered courses of lectures between the years 1967 and 1986 on "Vegetable Cultivation and Production in the Tropics' to the students of the Department of
Agriculture at the P. Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University and published a textbook entitled "Vegetable Growing in Home Gardens of Tropical and Subtropical Areas" in 1984, which is now available in English from MIR Publishers.

The book was translated from the Russian by S. Sukharev and first published by Mir Publishers in 1988.

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