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Problems In Descriptive Geometry | Kh. Arustamov

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Problems In Descriptive Geometry

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Author: Kh. Arustamov

Added by: mirtitles

Added Date: 2023-01-09

Publication Date: 1972

Language: eng

Subjects: problem books, mathematics, descriptive geometry, problems and solutions, projections, civil engineering, engineering drawing, axonometric projections, orthogonal projections, linear perspective, linear projection, shadows

Publishers: Mir Publishers

Collections: mir-titles, additional collections

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 228.64 MB

PDF Size: 13.84 MB

Extensions: epub, pdf, gz, html, zip, torrent

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Downloads: 2.56K

Views: 52.56

Total Files: 16

Media Type: texts


 Along with problems and typical solutions the book gives brief theoretical information, which is particularly valuable for students working without the guidance of a teacher.
A complete theoretical background is pre­ sented in another Mir Publishers’ production
DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY by N. Krylov, P. Lobandievsky, S. Men* The book is intended for students of higher technical schools majoring in building construction. The course covered by the book includes the following sections: orthogonal projections, axonometry, linear perspective and projections with numerical markings.
In addition to the basic course the book sets out the principles of the theory of shadows in orthogonal projections, perspective and axonometry.
The material is presented in a simple but strictly scientific form and is well illust­rated.
The book has seen four Russian editions and has been translated into English and Japanese. Spanish and French versions are in prepa­ ration.

 KHRISTOFOR ARTEMYEVICH ARUSTAMOV, Professor at the Bauman Higher Technical School in Moscow, has been heading the chair of des­ criptive geometry and drawing for over forty years. Ho has written a number of manuals on solving problems in descriptive geometry.

Original scan by servants of knowledge
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