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Tao Te Ching: The Science of Life | Huang Yuanji

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Tao Te Ching: The Science of Life

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Author: Huang Yuanji

Added by: ccn258

Added Date: 2020-04-26

Language: English

Subjects: Tao Te Ching, The Science of Life, Huang Yuanji, Lao-Tzu, Lao Tzu, Laozi, Thomas Cleary, Dao de Jing, Taoism, Daoism, Taoist, Daoist, Tao, Dao, Chinese Philosophy, Chinese Spirituality, Chinese Religion, Chinese Ethics, Daoist Thought, Taoist Thought, Taoist Practice, Daoist Practice, Daoist Meditation, Taoist Meditation, Immortality, Qigong, Yin-Yang, Meditation, Spirituality, Religion, Educational Texts

Collections: folkscanomy philosophy, folkscanomy, additional collections

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 69.30 MB

PDF Size: 749.15 KB

Extensions: epub, pdf, gz, zip, torrent

Archive Url

Downloads: 2.13K

Views: 52.13

Total Files: 13

Media Type: texts


Tao Te Ching: The Science of Life, written by Huang Yuanji and translated by Thomas Cleary, is available here in PDF format.

Book Description: The Tao Te Ching is well known as one of the most widely read of world classics. Over two thousand years old, it has long been considered to contain essential secrets of life and is the subject of hundreds of commentaries. The explanations of the Tao Te Ching by Huang Yuanji, a practicing Taoist, are highly prized in modern times and have been called the finest of all for techniques of personal cultivation.

Note: It states in the book that this is Volume 1, so this may be an incomplete translation of Huang Yuanji's work.
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